
Monday, April 22, 2013

Fix Windows Store Apps Error: This App Wasn't Installed

The Windows 8 Store is a new feature in Windows 8 by which you can download and install applications and games. Sometimes however when you try to install an application from the Windows 8 Store the installation fails and you get the error message "this app wasn't installed-view details". In some cases it installs about 50% and then just gets stuck there, or you might get some error code or it may just say that it is unable to install it.
In this article we explain how to fix the Windows 8 Store download problem. This type of problem occurs because your Windows firewall may be disabled or a proxy is not set properly.
How to fix the Windows 8 Store download problem
Step 1
Open Internet Explorer and click on setting and select "Internet options".
Step 2
A new window will be opened. In this window go to the "Connection" tab and click on "LAN Settings".
Step 3
In this step click on "Advanced".
Step 4
In this step delete the proxy address and click on "OK" and exit from Internet Explorer.
Step 5
Go to the search box and type "Cmd" and open a command prompt as administrator.
Step 6
In the command prompt enter the command "netsh winhttp set proxy :port". For example: "netsh winhttp set proxy" then Enter.
Step 7
After setting the proxy you will see your current proxy. Exit from the command prompt.
Step 8
Now go to the Windows Store and try to install applications.

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